Last Mile Delivery and Logistics

Feb 9, 2021

The era of digitalization has seen the purchasing habits of people all over the world undergo drastic change, as have methods of trading within the retailing industry. For most people, the experience of being physically present at a brick-and-mortar store when making a purchase was an enjoyable one, in itself. Ordering products online was usually...

Warehousing and Logistics

Oct 23, 2020

What is Warehousing and How to Benefit from it? October 25, 2020 Before we start sharing definitions with you, let us clarify why we believe you should know about warehousing, logistics and supply chain management. If you are an online merchant and selling cool printed T-Shirts or handmade bracelets or even a start-up with limited...

Business Success in times of COVID-19

Aug 23, 2020

From Brick-and-Mortar to E-Commerce in 4 steps August 23, 2020 Over the last few months, a new Coronavirus has been spreading everywhere, causing a huge impact not only on people’s lives, but also on the global economy. As the pandemic continues to expand, local governments had to impose drastic measure such as lockdowns and the...

Covid-19 Update

Mar 17, 2020

How Does It Impact Business and What We Do to Maintain Safety? March 17, 2020 Rapid expansion of the novel Coronavirus worldwide has caught us all of guard, and overnight changed our daily routines and the ways businesses are conducted. In order to slow down the spread of the virus and protect people from getting...

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